Whave partners with government in 17 Districts as the pilot Area Service Provider for rural water O&M. More than 300,000 people in over 1,000 communities are assured of reliable safe water supply.

The map shows our partnerships with district governments and communities in 5 regions. Preventive Maintenance Service Agreements (PMAs):

Teso, 191 PMAs: Kumi, Serere, Pallisa, Ngora Central, 351 PMAs: Nakaseke, Mityana, Kassanda
Busoga, 270 PMAs: Kamuli, Luuka, Bugweri, Mayuge
Karamoja, 266 PMAs: Karenga, Kaabong, Kotido Mid-West, Kikuube, Kagadi, Kyegegwa

Quarterly functionality

An independent survey team visits every waterpoint serviced by Whave, to spot-test for functionality using the national procedure. We also measure repair time as an additional metric (see below).

Local Technicians and HPMAs

Preventive maintenance and immediate repairs assure reliability. Members of the District Hand-Pump Mechanics Associations (HPMAs) are trained and performance-contracted by Whave. The maps locates the 4 regional Area Service Provider offices (ASPs) and the Kampala HQ.

ASP pin locations.JPG

Central, 22 technicians:
Service Area Staff: 9
Regional Managers:
Daniel Twite
Contact: +256 773 863888
Winnie Naula
Contact: +256 772 954745

Busoga, 11 technicians:
Service Area Staff: 5
Regional Manager: Simon Sengooba
Contact: +256 789 603629

Teso, 22 technicians:
Service Area Staff: 5
Regional Manager: Faith Tebesigwa
Contact: +256 773 199650

Karamoja, 32 technicians:
Service Area Staff: 25
Regional Manager: William Obore
Contact: +256 773 487626

Immediate repairs

The PMA technicians are trained to replace worn parts before they break and respond quickly to breakdowns, so ensuring reliable water supply. Parts lifetimes and replacement costs is monitored carefully to optimize life-cycle costs and to generate information for government on tariff-setting. The chart below shows the percentage of breakdowns which are fixed within 2 days.

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction surveys are conducted quarterly by the independent monitoring team. A random sample of water users in every community are asked for their opinion on Whave services. Whave uses this data to improve service delivery.

Performance Indicator Outputs Timeline

Baseline Surveys

Before we start work in a district, we conduct surveys of functionality, to see how many pumps are in operational condition, how many are non-functional producing no water at all, and how many are in need of repair, producing insufficient water. The pie charts here show results.


International baseline survey of 200 handpumps in 10 districts of Uganda in 2017:

Reference: Owor M, MacDonald AM, Bonsor HC, Okullo J, Katusiime F, Alupo G, Berochan G, Tumusiime C, Lapworth D, Whaley L, Lark RM. 2017. UPGro Hidden Crisis Research Consortium – Survey 1 Country Report – Uganda. British Geological Survey (BGS) Open Report, OR/17/029, pp 18.
