Whave has used the mWater surveyor app since 2014 to map water assets, asset management, and improved hygiene & sanitation indicators, working with District Water Officers, Health Officers and MWE.
The mWater app is a user-friendly and sophisticated tool with significant potential to help the WASH community move forward to cost-efficient safe water delivery management. Whave collaborates on use of the app with local government, NGOs, and MWE, see https://portal.mwater.co/
Our mWater DWASH mapping has been for many years a key part of Whave’s asset management monitoring. We use it to generate quarterly reports on waterpoint functionality, repair time, payment compliance. We share these reports with District Water Officers and MWE and publish them here on our website (see examples and the SDG 6.1 Update below).
This data sharing is a key element of our research underpinning the Ugandan government’s rural water O&M Framework; by working as a pilot Area Service Provider we are able to generate evidence on cost of 24/7 service delivery, required service fee levels, and on financial sustainability at scale.
Our mWater data, DWASH (Digital WASH), supports the MWE pilot of the O&M Framework in 18 districts, in 4 regions. The District Water Officers and MWE access the data through the mWater portal. It is used to support implementation of the O&M Framework by identifying where rehabilitations are needed, to calculate budgets, for training of new water boards and ASPs. It provides an important planning tool for MWE regional centres, the DWOs and new water boards, alongside current MWE asset data collection.
DWASH replicates the MWE survey Forms 1, 2, and 4 and so acts as a back up and updating tool for the DWOs and RWRCs, alongside existing MWE data sets. You can see more information about DWASH by clicking on the image here, and this document can be downloaded.
Click on the images above to open the downloadable documents. Other District reports are available from our office including previous reports since 2016.